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Whiplash Symptoms
The primary symptom of whiplash is neck pain or stiffness, which can commonly take from 6 to 12 hours or occasionally up to 24 hours after an accident to appear. This may pain worsen within the first few days. Generally, any inflammation or bruising of the neck muscles will not be evident at the scene of the accident.
Other whiplash symptoms may include:
Tenderness and swelling in the neck
Stiffness and pain in the shoulders
Pain and weakness in the arms
Pain in the back
Pain in the jaw
Headache, specifically at the base of the skull
Ringing in the ears
Blurred vision
Muscle spasms
Difficulty swallowing
Any dizziness, headache, blurred vision, or trouble swallowing should subside within a day or two. If not, these may be signs of a more serious injury or chronic whiplash disorder.
How is whiplash diagnosed?
The first step in whiplash diagnosis is ruling out any more serious injuries to the body. Your doctor will usually order a neck MRI or other radiology test to rule out other types of damage. If no other injuries are discovered through these imaging tests, your doctor may place a cervical collar on your neck for additional support (this depends on the severity of your symptoms). You may wear this for a few hours or a few days as you begin whiplash treatment.
If you’ve been in a car accident in New Jersey and need whiplash treatment, please call us at 866-609-4448 or fill out our contact form.
Sall Myers Medical Associates is your one stop treatment facility and will provide for all your car accident or personal injury needs.
We provide evaluations and treatments for all types of injuries throughout Northern New Jersey. In some instances, same day appointments are available upon request with evaluation and treatment reports available in 48 hours or less.