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Whiplash Treatment
Depending on the severity of your injuries, there are a number of different treatment paths you and your doctor may discuss for your whiplash pain.
In the first few hours after injury, you may be given a cervical collar to wear – both to reduce pain and prevent any further injuries while your doctor confirms the whiplash diagnosis. However, many recent studies have shown that prolonged immobilization will do you more harm than good in the long run. The earlier you can stand to start moving your neck (with permission from your doctor), the better.
Whiplash Physical Therapy
Although your symptoms may subside within a few days, pain that lasts longer than this may be helped by the addition of whiplash physical therapy. Physical therapy for whiplash can consist of active or passive treatments, including:
Application of heat and ice
Ultrasound therapy
Physical therapy should increase the blood flow to the area, reducing muscle spasms and ultimately leading to faster healing of the neck tissues.
Whiplash Exercises
Your physical therapist will work with you to develop a whiplash exercise program, which you may perform at home or in the office. You can continue to do these exercises as often as your doctor suggests until pain subsides completely. Read more about whiplash exercises.
If you’ve been in a car accident in New Jersey and need whiplash treatment, please call us at 866-609-4448 or fill out our contact form. Sall Myers Medical Associates is your one stop treatment facility and will provide for all your car accident or personal injury needs.
We provide evaluations and treatments for all types of injuries throughout Northern New Jersey. In some instances, same day appointments are available upon request with evaluation and treatment reports available in 48 hours or less.